
We want you to feel safe while renting with us. Therefore, we want to tell you more about how your rental car is insured and give you the opportunity to choose which insurance you want. If you want to avoid unpredictable costs, you can also opt for deductible.

Our cars are fully insured via Länsförsäkringar and the insurance is valid in Sweden. It is also applied in the so-called Green Card countries, provided that we give our written approval.

Usually a rental car has significantly higher deductibles Comment with for example a private car, I some fall up to the value of the whole car. But when you rent from us, we offer insurance that eliminates your deductible in the event of damage, ie you do not have to pay any deductible if something should happen and the rental car is damaged.

Examples of deductibles

Deductible without deductible:
Car damage: SEK 9,000
Traffic accident: SEK 4,700
Theft: ISK 9,000
Brand: SEK 9,000
Glass: DKK 9,000
Rescue: SEK 9,000

Deductible with deductible
Car damage: SEK 0
Traffic accident: SEK 0
Theft: 0 ISK
Brand: SEK 0
Glass: 0 kr
Rescue: SEK 0

Please note that no deductible is applied in the event of theft with a key or other digital lock.

More information and complete terms and conditions
Deductible terms and conditions
Fact sheet for insurance product
Advance information for national insurance

If something happens or in case of injury
If you have a traffic accident, theft or other damage, you must immediately report it to us directly. You must also report parking damage, infection, theft and animal collision to the Police. Collect any witness information immediately. In the event of a traffic accident with feared personal injury, contact SOS Alarm on 112.

Important to consider before using the car
Always check the rental car before departure to see if there are any damages or faults, in which case notify us. Store bags and other belongings so that they can not damage the vehicle. Always lock the car when leaving it.

Contact information for KINTO customer service:

010-179 96 00