It's easy!

KINTO Share is for you who prefer easy access to a car, 24/7. This is how it works.

Bli medlem hos KINTO Share


Get started in two minutes. Become a member in a few easy steps on the website or in the app. It's free to join and you can easily end your membership, without any binding periods.



Book a car on the website or in the app. Choose which car and KINTO location that suits you.

Hämta bil

Pick up 

When your booking is activated, go to your chosen KINTO location and unlock your car with the app. Always take a look around the car and report if you would notice any damages.

Köra bil


Use the digital key in the app during your entire booking. If you need to refuel, simply use the fuel card, located inside the car. You can find the pin code for the card in the app. If you can't start, click "unlock" in the app.

Lämna bil


Return the car at the same KINTO location where you picked it up. The car has got it's own parking spot so there's no need to search for one.